Das Verständnis für „The Swiss Constitution in a Comparative Context“ auch im Ausland zu fördern, hat sich Walter Haller, emeritierter Professor für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht und Verfassungsvergleichung an der Universität Zürich, mit einem Taschenbuch zum Ziel gesetzt. Es erschien soeben unter diesem Titel, in englischer Sprache, im DIKE-Verlag (Zürich und St. Gallen). Haller hat sich in beiden Richtungen um die Kommunikation rechtlicher Errungenschaften über die Landesgrenzen hinweg verdient gemacht: Entscheidend trug er zur Einführung der Ombuds-Institutionen in der Schweiz bei, beginnend 1964 mit seiner Publikation „Der schwedische Iustitieombudsman“.

Auf dem Buchumschlag steht:

The Swiss Constitution features a number of characteristics which have often attracted the attention of observers from abroad: the very direct influence of Swiss citizens on political decision-making by means of popular initiative and referendum; a uniquely “bottom-up” federal structure reflecting cultural and linguistic diversity; a system of government which vests supreme executive power in a multi-party collegiate body; a systematic catalogue of fundamental rights interpreted in line with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights; and, finally, a very special model of constitutional jurisdiction. The author, Professor Emeritus of constitutional law at the University of Zurich, gives a concise presentation of the Swiss Constitution thereby using a comparative approach. Numerous comparisons with foreign constitutions well known abroad, such as the U.S. Constitution and the German Basic Law, enhance the reader’s understanding of the special characteristics of the Swiss constitutional order. The book is addressed to all those who desire basic and precise knowledge on how Switzerland is governed: to lawyers, politicians and political scientists, diplomats, journalists and others. A detailed subject index allows rapid access to the information sought.”

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